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MOVE II - Directed by Aaron Keigher

Flutes, Clarinets, Saxophones - Rob DeBellis; Violas - Ralph Farris; Vocals, Percussion - Valerie Dee Naranjo; Piano, Percussion - Robert Levin;  Guitar, Mandolin - Steve Bill; Piccolo Trumpet, E♭ Trumpet - Tony Gorruso; Percussion - Aaron Keigher; Sizzle Cymbal - Ethan Bill; Music Engineer - Ethan Bill, Room 368, Haworth, NJ

INSIDE - Directed by Arthur Penn

WAKE UP, FREDDY - A Film by Christopher O'Donnell

SEARCHING FOR ARTHUR - A Film by Jonathan Nossiter

IN THE SYNAGOGUE - A Film by Oren Rudavsky

QUIXOTIC - Directed by George Zaleski 

A DIFFERENT PATH - Directed by Oren Rudavsky and Marinella Nicolson

FIGHTING LIGHT - Directed by Matthew Penn

COULD BE WORSE - Directed by Zack Stratis

AMAZING GRACE (Broadway Show) - Directed by Gabriel Barre

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